Monday, April 11, 2011

Getting to know Me

Name: Merrisa Shepherd
Department/Program: Interior Design BFA Program

Are you graduating this Quarter? No. I'm scheduled to graduate Summer of this year.
If not, current graduation date by Quarter/Year:Summer 2011

Online Social and Professional networks: The only online social network I'm apart of is Facebook. I use Facebook not only for socializing with my friends and family but to use as a networking tool.

Website URL (if already developed):I currently do not have a created website yet.

What software experience do you have? (explain all that apply)
Photoshop:I use photoshop on a Quarter basis for developing my final Interior Design projects in. I know how to cut, mask, stamp and use all the photoshop tools.
Illustrator: Ive used illistrator once to develop my logo and resume which was a year ago so i could use some freshening up skills with illistrator.
Dreamweaver: Whats that? Ive never used it nor have I heard about it!
HTML: I've worked with HTML a few times, but not enough for me to be really familiar to use.
InDesign:I have used InDesign when I was in Presentation Graphics but didn't learn a whole lot.
Other: CAD.

Explain your objective for the class to the best of your knowledge:
What I would really like to get out of this class would be to come out with a well designed website to help get my name out in my field of study and show my talent for Interior Design in the hopes of getting potential clients.

Learn iWeb?
Publish web site?
Revise and update current site?
Begin the process of a professional web presence?

1 comment:

  1. My email:
